As the new year comes



年前跟小白去逛街,逛到一双鞋,喜欢,买下了,200+,不算便宜,不算贵。UPLANDERImage1370 ,很耐穿的鞋子,心里也比较欢喜。 不过,不知道为啥,小白一见着我就说“你沧桑了……”……okay,我囧了……lol





papa & mum 都回家过年了,well, there are ads & disads, 有时候该想,无论出现什么状况,好的抑或是不好的,一切都会过去的,它总会过去的。

年饭,是在跟去年同样的地方吃的,Uncle Z家,三家人一起,也是比较热闹。春晚,当然看了,well,今年,感觉春晚是走网络路线,怀旧路线,杂合路线etc,各种各样,总体还是新瓶装旧酒,越看越没啥意思……这是针对春晚本身而言,当然,春晚,其实它的意义,早就已经超过了一台晚会,就像年夜饭不仅仅是一顿饭一样。也许,就在不知不觉中,春晚成为了我们过春节的一种“年俗”“传统”,形式脱离了内容而存在,或者说它的内容已经被形式所规定了,所以,期待春晚本身是一种比较silly的行为,我们更看重的,本质上还是形式……内容早已空洞。




其实,是很多答应过自己的事情没有达到自己的预期吧……每个人标准不同,所以……呵呵。从今年寒假开始,savage又开始像以前一样追求自己喜欢的感觉,to make things done perfectly, that’s the way i like.



As the new year come around , i shopped around with my friend XIAOBAI, and i bought a pair of UPLANDER. i like the shoes pretty much , as its comfortable & firm. it It will be working well i suppose.

i cleaned the house with mum a few days before the New Years Eve, wow, that was a lot of work. i got some pain at my back after i finished doing the cleaning. Well, sometimes i think , what should i be like when i’m at the age of 60 or even 70? hoh, it’s interesting but difficult to imagine what will happen in the future, but i think i will do my utmost to avoid the diseases.

Papa & mum came back to spend the spring festival with me, well, for me ,that’s somewhat a big deal and somewhat not. To some extent, they sometimes argue coz they have different opinions or for sth else…….that’s pretty unbearable actually. Mum’s not a strong woman, so i will have to comfort her after the argument, gosh, I might be spoiled within tears then. Papa is not a person who is easy to get along with, so i have to pretend I’m HAPPY under his pressure , WOW, in this way, life turns to be a little tough . Besides , mum always interests in what i’m doing so she stare at me at times ……….gosh! What a LIFE!! Wutever, i clearly know that no matter what happened or what’s gonna happen, ALL he things will gone, FOREVER!! What left behind is only Memories. in that case , we should not be so depressed even in the most uneasy times.

I went to buy some new year flowers at the lunar DEC.30th , someone considers that ROMANTIC. lol ,that’s just a custom for us cantonese people ……..As i mentioned CUSTOM, it reminds me of the “Party “ at lunar DEC. 30th, the new years’ Eve, , that was pretty boring . Although the form of that party has always been changing, it does not attract that much people as it ever did. It is much too custom so it only turned into a form .

What made me a little happy was that I chatted with granny my old friend….lol, an old friend is an old friend , almost unchanged………

The 2009 has gone FOREVER, well, i have some regrets indeed, but the fact is PAST IS THE PAST………History is unchanged, what we can change is this moment &the next moment we are gonna have.

2010 , i do have some expects on myself, so what i want is do all the things i like PERFECTLY, no more regrets. NO MORE

that’s all