I had an exam today, and I felt happy after that, so I decided to take a record of it anyway.
The name of that exam is called Basic Writing, the items in the paper were not that awkward.
What made me excited was that our teacher gave us an item to describe one of our friends, lol
I thought of my cute squirrel granny, and I started writing
I used to call her Squirrel Granny. She has curly hair, as long as she ties up her hair, lol , it appears to be like the tail of a squirrel , interesting and funny. ( Some might consider that shape another thing, anyway, it has nothing to do with me, I like it coz it is funny , like a little squirrel)
Why I called her Granny? That was because she always treat the ppl around her well, she was as kind as an old granny........lol..........granny, if you see such words unfortunetely, forgive me, lol. To me, it might be another kind of PRAISE .
The paper was ........anyway, it gave me a chance to think of you, thank god, thank the teacher of Basic Writing Ms. XiaoJi :)
And the writing part was quite cute as well. Reminded me of what I red in the past, it felt like I was a KID again when writing, lol , thank the teacher Ms. XiaoJi :) I'm loving you~~ lol
But unluckily, we were expecting to see XIaoJi in that classroom, she didn't appear even when the bell was ringing, Monkey (CJ, the one in front of me ) said, I was expecting her. I should say, ME TOO~~
Thank Ms. XiaoJi, thank you for the happiness you had brought to me, and thank you for the instructions you had delievered to us all.
I am actually expexting to see XiaoJi future~~lol, it will never be the end