Reflections for latest lives


I've been much too emotional lately, for my family, for the daily life, and the work, homework and so on.

Life isn't always easy. What a splendid sentence.

Last night, we MS had a lecture about <ABD's in English news writing>. Wow, that just reminded me of what I learned in Junior high school & Senior High school. The Chinese teachers told us that a piece of news includes Headline,Lead,Body,Ending......They are much alike, though they are in different languages.

I've done English writing for.....perhaps 7 years or even more...since the day my primary school English teacher told me to keep diary in Eng......

At the very begining, the words i usually used were " Today is xxx, and I feel xxx, why? Because xxx...." The form was and silly.......I got no idea where did I put this very special exercise book, it might be interesting if I can read it again...........

Later, when I was studying at NO.5 Junior, I spent almost an hour to make my English composition done everytime I receive an order........That was two times comparing with others' . Why? Because I wanted to attract my teacher's eyes so that I can perfect my writing.....I'm still wondering why I was so eager to do that sometimes. I got no idea of what I was thinking.

wow.......gosh, see what I'm doing right here, I'm not reflecting, but recalling........I am aged.......

the lecture was terrific, and I understand more about the way to write an English news report, which is significant in my writing.

Beside, I watched a few movies recently. Something like .

I have to say that is an amazing masterpiece. Absolutely.

the 1st part is generally adapted from the novel with the same name. The original godfather is kind, yes I use the adj. kind. He mind is quite clear, and he can read ppl's mind. I like him.

For the 2nd part, Micheal, the godfather's son, takes over his father's work........Micheal, his is handsome, lol, but..he's changed because of the Family demands him to do so.......But life to organize a big family is not what he likes.......What a "cup".........Life's like this, sometime, you just have no choice but to do the things you don't like.

The 3rd part is more happy, Micheal grows old and his work is taken over by his nephew Vincent. A person's calm and he doesn't really show his mind to the ppl around him . He is clever.

From these movies, I can see ....friends are very important, a good friend can do u favor and a bad one can hurt you. But we must invest on friendship, like the original godfather.

And I like the background music in the movies, <Speak softly, love>, dynamic song~

Granny, don't forget your promise~

my mind is turning around, just Finish it here........No more laziness