


AUG 23rd,我仍记得这个日子,我坐车去深圳。这是我第一次去深圳,呵呵,说实话,在广东,我都没去过什么地方,貌似就去过惠州,肇庆,云浮几个地方。



晚上,还有接下来的时间,我就住在Peter & Angela 家里。

Angela 是个很nice的人,也比较talkative ,我觉得我在与她的交谈中也了解和接触了一些过去所不知道的事情。我个人觉得我自己不算一个很talkative的人,只有想说话的时候,话才会多一些,所以有时候我也觉得自己很闷呢,呵呵。Whatever , I am trying to be a little more talkative ….Angela says , life is not that complex , so just be easy and communicate more with the people around you , and let them know your thoughts . Actually, what I want to tell you here is that , I am not thinking that much , sometimes I just do not feel like talking . A bad habit ,right? Lol

Angela很热情的向我大致介绍了一下深圳的概况,由于俺们之前是学地理的,很多东西,一说就明白了。深圳市区主要由罗湖、南山、福田…….还有一个区突然忘了,盐田?? lol ,边上还有一些区,比如龙岗。总体上看,深圳是东西走向的,主要的交通干道有深蓝大道、滨海大道,地铁应该也算吧。

第一天晚上见到了Alice , 还有一个人,eh…我忘了名字了,只记得后来一起看了《叶问》,他手机里有一个我觉得还蛮好玩的赛车游戏。还有Betty这个可爱的孩子,挺聪明的小孩,呵呵。Peter的书柜有很多书,这又使我想起了我的一个小愿望,我也希望,以后我能有一个大书柜~~!!哈哈。

The 1st week

第二天,我就跟Peter 到ABP去了,这是我之前没怎么预计的,不过反正我也无事。做了一个很简单的brief self introduction,我就开始在ABP “上班儿”了,我的上司,是Joanna 。我做的第一件事儿,是用Word 标注尺寸。


Got know some people working in ABP,Joanna , Cindy ,Winnie (got the same name with my best friend in hunan , heh ) , 坐在我后面的Sam , Lucy ,Frank ,Susan, Jack etc ,those guy are pretty kind , and , a little bit funny sometimes ,hoh …..

让我非常无语、无奈又尴尬的是,我在ABP 5 天,确实是没有一天是正点到的,总有各种各样的事情是我耽搁,哎,俺们在学校里几乎每天是第一个到教室的,我对我自己的这种表现极度无语,本来我确实,是一个非常守时、守信诺的人,生自个儿的闷气啊。

说是在那儿“上班儿”,真正来说,我并没有什么可做的,哎,feeling helpless as long as this thought occur to me . What I mostly do there might be reading from the web page , some news , sth interesting , and get to know something about the CET-4 and CET-6 . Sometimes I did some translation for them ,however , it still made me feel useless , what a horrible feeling . Angela and Peter told me that I should find things to do myself , but ……. I do not know why , but I just cannot find . Sometimes I asked Joanna , Winnie and Cindy whether there can be anything that I can do some favor , wow ,there was none…………………I still feel horrible for when I think of it . Someone told me , you would just be staying there for a short period of time , so please learn something that you never got to know .

I think the most important thing I learn in ABP might be co-operation. I had always been told that co-operation is important, but I do not exactly know how it work in reality. I can see that everyone in ABP is doing an exact job, a essential part, and its combination makes every case perfect.

Now I do not feel like express myself in Chinese , so just use English , and it might be much easier for me .

As I was sitting in that seat , I saw what left by Cherry , a girl just graduated from Junior high school , wow ,I was amazed , cause I saw an arranged plan , everyday ,cherry was doing something for them ,but I was doing nothing …. I did feel shame … anyway ……

Angela, you said ,as the time for me to stay is short indeed , I can not do much thing like cherry . and what made things different is time ….is that true? I am not sure ….

Except for the useless feeling , ABP is a pretty good place to stay ,cause the people there are pretty kind and funny . what I got to know was that most of them had not got married , wow , what a young group of people ~ 但是,每次我问不同的人,都会得到不同的答案,who is single ,who is married ….迷糊。

On the last day to remain , I sang a song for them , actually , I was not prepared at all , and what came to my mind was “angel” again …….why? Maybe I can do some record for them later in the future .

The 2nd week



第一天去了南山的书城,转了半天,没看到我想要的书。后来去买了一个十字绣的东东,但是后来好像放在深圳,忘了带回家了….话说去买那十字绣的时候,碰见一老外要买一幅红蓝相间的马的十字绣,俺们小小的充当了一下翻译,哈哈。后来中午跟Joanna , cindy , lucy 她们一起吃的饭,hoh……..


不知道为什么,也许是我初来乍到,我总是有点担心自己会走丢,lol ,记得那天去深圳外国语中学,天啊,不知道坐了多久的车啊,弄得自己有点担心起来了。到了那儿已经是下午4点多了,随便看了一下,就开始坐返程车,又坐了一个多小时,坐到某一地铁站,上地铁,下地铁,坐车到了大冲,但是等了很久很久很久都没有19路车,无语啊,那么多车,没有一辆是我要的。那天最后是8点半才回到,累死。呵呵。


不知为何,总有一种“飘”的感觉,never stable .


Angela is a pretty kind person, peter? He is always so busy , and he likes playing CS ,hoh . and Betty is a pretty cute little girl ,she is indeed clever , as she can speak freely with her parents and relatives . For when she is asked o perform a song for us ,she always choose the song “xiao yan zi” hah ,which is pretty funny . Despite this, when her parents and her granny get annoyed of her , she will turn to her grandpa for help . Hoh, what an amazing kid ~ hah ~!!

在深圳,HAHA,我第一次打麻将,之前我是一直都不会的,什么牌啊,也是这个暑假才学会了,哈哈,俺们是好孩子? 打麻将就是要讲求“一句话”??其实我到现在还是比较模糊,不大明白到底是怎样。之前我妈倒是一直都想教我打牌来者,但是我都没学会。哈哈,愚钝? 也许。俺们就是愚人一个。
