I have to say that sometimes I'd like to listen to some punk music, it makes me feel younger, lol. People say, "Savage, you are young indeed", maybe~
I used to listen to rock and punk music when I was in junior high school, yeah, I was much younger at than time, and such music reminds me of those days. And the band I loved the most was SIMPLE PLAN. Their music is full of energy and you can actually be more energetic by listening to them. I remember that I liked the band so much that I even wanted to have the haircut of the leader singer. lol . That was much boy-alike.
Okay, I don't wanna give introductions of the informations like their history....That's much too boring indeed. I'd like to introduce everybody the two albums I ever listend and their current song that I love.
The 1st album is <No Pads, No Helmets...Just Balls (2002–2004)>
Track list:
- I'd Do Anything 2. The Worst Day Ever 3. You Don't Mean Anything 4. I'm Just A Kid 5. When I'm With You 6. Meet You There 7. Addicted 8. My Alien 9. God Must Hate Me 10. I Won't Be There 11. One Day 12. Perfect
- Grow Up
I like these songs. The 1st song < I'd do anything> is perfect, for when I listen to this song, I get inspired. The 4th song <I'm just a kid > is quite a funny song, but it also shows the deep depression, we can sense it from its lyrics.
"Hey, dad, look at me,
think back and talk to me,
did I grow up according to your plan?
Do you think I'm wasting My time doing things I Wanna do?
But it hurts when you Disapprove all along
And now I try hard to make it I just want to make you proud I'm never gonna be good Enough for you I can�t pretend that I'm alright And you can't change me
Cuz we lost it all Nothing lasts forever I�m sorry I can't be Perfect Now it's just too late And we can't go back I�m sorry I can't be Perfect "
But the fact is He can't understad much Eng although he had training of Eng ever,
On the whole ,the songs in this album are all pretty energetic. That's exactly the truth.
The 2nd album I'd like to introduce is
The track lists:
Shut Up! 2. Welcome To My Life 3. Perfect World 4. Thank You 5. Me Against The World 6. Crazy 7. Jump 8. Everytime 9. Promise 10. One
I was 1st attracted by the very last song
I didn't like
This album is good, I think it might be the best album of all the 3 they ever produced.
The name of their newest album is
Well, I'm not that into the songs in this album, but I like the song< Love is a lie>, wow, I like the melody.
Lyrics.........Well, ignore..........
Wish you guys enjoy the music by SP , and enjoy the energy that they bring you.