The recent life


granny now might still be travelling ......oh, i like that kind of life if i do have time....sometimes I feel like im a poor man , both in time ..and money......moneys important,we can`t leave without it in modern life .....

After the accomplishment of the college entrance exams , i went to with my roommates indeed, we had an unforgetable experience . After that , it was time to make my decision , its what i called the time harder than the exams tough for me ,coz maybe im not a person who is good in choosing , sometimes, i know that i hv difficulty in making decision .sometimes I think too much so that its …….almost multiple choice……..awkward……

Anyway…..that period of time had passed , I cant say….”what if …….i did sth….” Because I cant turn back time ……it`s gone .FOREVER

Though I know that the ss is a high level senior high school ,whatever, teacher might sometimes do not give me answer when I was asking some academic questions……..which made me a little bit disappointed for sometime ….anyway,time`s gone,let it be….

I planned to do some volunteer work in canton ….i dont know why..eventally, I had to teach my younger cousin some English so that I didnt hv time….that was a pitty anyway……..wish my younger cousin can be a little more hardworking as he`ll be a junior student sooner…….

As soon as I received my letter of admission, I went to to hv my holiday……just spend some time accompany my parents ……life there is a little bit tough ,just a bit….as there are some things like sunshine , beautiful sky , nice stars , as well as a he amount of mosquitos….the mosquitos there are just like dust….everywhere …, well hv to kill them as soon as we finish our dinner……anyway….life theres peaceful and quite….but sometimes a little boring….i brought some books there , but finished so fast……I had no choice but to borrow some books from LEE, she is always there to do me some favor…..sometimes we play cards , you guys know that I don`t play cards ever before I finished my college entrance exams….ppl laugh , “chu da di” is the easiest card game ever , how can that happen? But…….i do..hoho.

After some time, I hv to go back for the reunion of our classmates and teachers …….they are still fine ,though some of there appearance changed …..hoho……time`s gone..

When I feel bored in canton….i went to the library …….i like that kinda life….familiar….pleasing……happy….:) …….some ppl dont understand.but I dont care what on earth ppl think about me on this thing….

In recent time ,I came to Shenzhen…..its a city that is familiar t canton….but still some differences….for example , ppl in shenzhen mostly speakMandarin……..coz it’s a city combined by outer-comers….the streets here seem to be cleaner…I dont know why,maybe ….coz im also a new comer…indeed , its my st time to be here…

(to be continued)