Got up just like a normal day, then started to draw the gothic on the wall. It was the 1st time, bit ugly though.....Nancy came home and started the preparation of dinner party. She's AMAZING, made all the dishes all alone... god knows how tiring that was. She seems quite enjoy this feeling though. Yea, and I'm so grateful for meeting her as a roommate.
Friends came around 18:00, 8 people in total, and 9 dishes. For gods sake, still amazed by the fantastic roommate Nancy. These 8 people were Hedy, Nancy, Debra, Summer, Zhangyue, Lynn, Lulu, Lifei..
For people meeting for the 1st time, the biggest problem might be little talking, coz we barely know each other. So sometime there was some silence, however, wine makes people talk, right? After some drinking, we started to get better. Later on, the game LUCKY STAB may be the most heated part(?), seems everyone was involed. So maybe for the strangers' parties, simple game is the cheer up foreplay. Then maybe people will find themselves more comfortable enjoying it.
It was a great day still, and I must thank Nancy, for all the helpful hands ever, so is her sister Hedy. Well, I never actually called her sis, coz I wanna narrow down the communications and maybe ignore the generation gap...I'd say, she is really a great sister. SALUTE TO THE AMAZING NANCY.