
Who the hell am I ? I've been thinking about this for quite a period with no certain answers.

The only thing I am certain is that I am just general human who's looking for freedom. Everything I had ever done in my life, was aim to be free, though I know such freedom might just be illusion.

Music, always act as my therapist, cured my wounded soul over and over again. And that's why I'd say music is personal matter, other people's suggestions are just THEIR views, and it MUST be YOU to find your own spirit in the music. Generally, I don't believe in god, but I do believe the spirit of music, for it has been my company and will stays with me all the time in whatever circumstances.

After I resigned from the previous company, I got more time thinking about this and plent of thoughts just jumped into my mind. I thought about going to BJ coz there was a person I wanna meet, and I imagined to work there as well for I was bit found of that guy. Finally I gave it up though. I accumulated some facts and data, the life will be harder if I were in BJ, and the guy I used to keep in touch was turned out to be unfavorable. Anyway I quit and stopped thinking about that path ever again. I also thought about working in SZ in my friend's company, which might be a joyful choice. I thought about finding another job in the same field of the previous job as well, and I got an offer in hand after interview, but I am not ready for that new job yet. My family is more inclined that I should work hard on preparaion of being a teacher, teacher is the perfect job for a girl in their mind. Whatever, as teacher may have holidays with payment every year, that's freedom, so that might be a fair option for me. I even thought about starting a net store...hoooo. I guess part of my heart is like new age and it's rest in peace in most of the time; the other part of it may be rocky or punk, the spirit of the explorers. That might just matches my general choices of music.

Actually, if any one of my buddies get to understand my choice of music, he or she will have the chance to know what kind of person I am. I myself is also on the way of exploration. Maybe that's what life means to us.